Marking time has come round again. I mark GCSE English Literature and once I get going it's fine. At the moment however I am waiting for my first sample papers to come back from my team leader to tell me if I am marking at the correct standard, or not. This is making me very, very nervous. My record is good, I've been trained, so why the panic?
Because I don't like getting it wrong.
And what has this got to do with writing?
Well everything. I think it is one of the reasons why I find it hard to promote my work and why I can dither over what exactly I want to write and when I'm going to do it. I have at least two ideas for books, but at the moment I can't decide which one I want to start. Which is the best route to go down? Should I go with my books for adults? My kids books? Short stories? Play? At least I don't have to worry about poetry, because I don't do that.
All this worrying takes time and creative energy. It wastes hours of what could be productive and enjoyable work. I know, deep down, I would be better off just getting something written. However, I suffer from the curse of getting it right, which is why for the next few weeks, or until marking is done and dusted, I'm going to be a little short tempered and edgy